Saturday 18 October 2014

Mushroom scans from the Past

Well, its been a dreadful week of dull and wet weather, and when its been fine i've had other commitments. Luckily,, i have recently taken delivery of a new slide, and film scanner, and have spent much of the week scanning some of my old mushroom slides.
For my friends that have slides and film that they would want to convert to digital media, i reckon this is a great bit of kit. Its the Plustek Optic Film 8100, german built, so must be adequate. Anyway, these are a few of my mushroom shots from the last 20 plus years, all taken on slide film,,, some Kodachrome 64, some Velvia 50. These were the top slow ISO films of the day, but i don't think they stand up against the best of digital imaging.

Cortinarius mucosus
Suillus variegatus
Tylopilus felleus
Lepiota ignivolvata
Gyroporus castaneus
Cortinarius semisanguineus
Leccinum scabrum

Thanks for looking, as these lifeforms (not plants) gave me a lot of enjoyment for some years. Maybe the colour balance is off on some, but i'm working on that. I'm struggling to get images of fungi lately, as i can't get up and down easily because of the old joints. I might figure a way tho'.

1 comment:

Happy New Year

Just like to wish all my friends, contacts, fellow tortoise riders, and arch enemies a fantastic new year, with lots of great wildlife encou...