Friday 4 July 2014

Dark Green in Wilts

This week, along with two mates, Dennis and Radar, i ventured over the border, and into Wilts. This had mixed blessings, because as many people know i get constipated if i go outside of Dorset. However, we did get a bit of joy, in that i managed some decent shots of our quarry, the Dark Green Fritillary, at Martin Down. This big and fast butterfly can be exhausting if you try and chase them, so at my and Dennis's age, we decided to opt for the 'lie in wait by their food source' tactic. This being the only tactic we can manage now. All the best shots we achieved were males scoffing, as the females are hiding down in the sward more, doing their egg laying. I did manage one, but she was too tatty for my collection, maybe next season i'll get one. After two visits i was pretty pleased, because i had only achieved a couple of shots previously.
  Later in the week Mark, Dennis, and myself had a couple of hours chasing Lulworth Skippers at Portland Bill. Mark spotted a mating pair, and we all took loads of shots of them, actually something i had never seen before. So not a bad week really, i just wish i hadn't celebrated last night. Its Friday now, and the week's not over, but i thought i'd do the blog on my 'day off'. LOL.



  1. Interesting read as usual Frank, glad you're getting your butterfly shots.

  2. I'm interested to see you've been to Martin Down, Frank. Passed it many times myself, but never ventured in. Is it just a butterfly site or are there other shots to be had?


Happy New Year

Just like to wish all my friends, contacts, fellow tortoise riders, and arch enemies a fantastic new year, with lots of great wildlife encou...