Monday 29 September 2014


Last Sunday,,, sorry the Sunday before last was a milestone day in the life of FG. (Apologise to regular readers, its been over my usual week, and not a post). For years i've been looking at Wrynecks in bird books, and thinking 'great bird, but i'll never see one'... This is why the Sunday before last is a 'milestone' day in my life,,,, because not only did i see one,,, i photographed it as well. A feat that i probably will not repeat in my lifetime. I don't know a lot about Wrynecks, but i reckon that Dorset is on the northerly side of its natural range, which is largely on the European continent. This makes my experience even sweeter.

This last week has been a bit hectic... Radar and myself returned to the Middlebere hide, where the Green Sandpiper performed better than ever, and flew to the top of the post in front of the hide.

On Saturday it was really dull, Chris, Radar, and myself went on a fungus foray. Not much about, because of the regional lack of rainfall. We did however find a few specimens, and this made a long day worthwhile, with the highlight being (Phallus impudicus) although all of the gleba had been eaten by flies, they still make an,,, um,, interesting picture.

Macrolepiota procera
Leccinum scabrum

All in all a great week of photography. When the weather is dull in the autumn, i love to search for those wild fungi with the flashgun,,, long exposures will do it too.


  1. A couple of nice captures with the Green Sandpiper and the Wryneck there Frank. Saturday was a bit of a let down for us too. We found the Red Squirrels, but the light was poor.

  2. Unless you are going to snuff it in the not to distant future, I can almost guarantee you will see one again, so pleased that you have nailed a Wryneck at last, the Green Sand was definitely a Brucie Bonus mate, that was a good day out on Saturday, so good to pick your brains on fungi, we will have to do that again after the rain has come


Happy New Year

Just like to wish all my friends, contacts, fellow tortoise riders, and arch enemies a fantastic new year, with lots of great wildlife encou...